1. Your healing experience might feel quite lonely.
  2. Recognize that you are in a diaspora- whether you identify with being American, your ethnic culture, a mix of both or neither, you still are in a diaspora and that does affect you.
  3. You might be the first person in your generation that is changing cycles and that might feel like a betrayal.
  4. Healing is going to take time and it’s supposed to. Undoing years of generational trauma won’t happen within a couple of sessions.
  5. Overidentifying with who you are “supposed to be” might be keeping you stuck.
  6. Don’t overcommit to the values of your ancestors. Some of those values were molded by survival needs. And by staying with them, you commit to staying in survival mode.
  7. Make sure you get support from other POC groups. Make sure that you have a community rooted in the area you live in.
  8. It’s okay that you’re not like your ancestors. They’ve lived their truth, it’s time you live yours.
  9. You are not your trauma or the trauma of your ancestors.
  10. You might overidentify with your trauma, that’s okay. At one point, you need to identify with yourself.